M@trixXov brlôžtek

   I’ll be there when you fall   And they’ll be no pain at all  And I’ll be your shelter... Your shelter from the storm

Tager for Amarok 1.4

I don't have time nor will to explain. It just takes top 10 last.fm tags for the now playing track and adds them as labels in Amarok 1.4.
I have written it within half an hour, it may contain (a lot of) errors. Sorry.
Tested by myself on OpenSuSE 12.2 + KDE 3.5.10 r.218 + amarok 1.4.10

url=`dcop amarok default path`; echo "$url"; wget -O - -q "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=track.getTopTags&api_key=9ccff478258ffbc30c1db203c4897084&artist=`dcop amarok default artist`&track=`dcop amarok default title`&autocorrect=1" | grep '<name>' | sed -e 's/<name>//' -e 's/<\/name;>//' | (i="0"; while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do read line; echo $line; if [ -n "$line" ]; then dcop amarok collection addLabels "$url" \[ "$line" \]; fi; let i++; done );

Alternative (and nice formated) version:
Takes both top 10 track labels AND top 10 artist labels. Just copy to bash and every time the song changes, call amatager ;)

 url=`dcop amarok default path`
 artist=`dcop amarok default artist`
 track=`dcop amarok default title`
 wget -O - -q "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=track.getTopTags&api_key=9ccff478258ffbc30c1db203c4897084&artist=$artist&track=$track&autocorrect=1" | grep '<name>' | sed -e 's/<name>//' -e 's/<\/name>//' | (
  while [ $i -lt 10 ]
   do read line
   if [ -n "$line" ]
    then echo -n $line\
    dcop amarok collection addLabels "$url" \[ "$line" \]
   let i++
 wget -O - -q "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getTopTags&api_key=9ccff478258ffbc30c1db203c4897084&artist=$artist&autocorrect=1" | grep '<name>' | sed -e 's/<name>//' -e 's/<\/name>//' | (
  while [ $i -lt 10 ]
   do read line
   if [ -n "$line" ]
    then echo -n $line\
    dcop amarok collection addLabels "$url" \[ "$line" \]
   let i++

added: November 12, 2012
edit: November 18, 2012